Cold Weather Payments Introduced in UK Snow – Check if you are Eligible and when to Expect Money

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Snow fell in the UK in a cold snap as temperatures dropped to -10C in parts of the country. The UK Health Protection Agency has issued an Amber Health Alert, meaning the effects of the weather could be felt across health services for a longer period of time.

To help support people during cold snaps like these, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) runs a Cold Weather Payment Scheme for qualifying households. This is a one-off charge of £25 triggered for every seven-day period where the temperature in your area is at or below zero degrees.

Am I eligible for cold weather payments?

You are entitled to payment if you receive any of the following:

  • Pension loans
  • Revenue support
  • Income-Based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) .
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) .
  • of general credit
  • Support for mortgage interest

You also have to live in an area that has experienced seven days of zero or below zero temperatures. If you want to check if your zip code is in a qualifying area, the government has a handy tool.

The DWP use their own equipment to measure temperatures in all UK postcodes. If you disagree with their decision, it is possible to appeal directly to the department.

If you live in Scotland, you do not qualify for the scheme, as the Scottish Government recently replaced the scheme with winter heating payments.

When do I take payment?

If you qualify, you will receive this payment automatically. They should arrive in the same bank account you received the benefit payment in, within 14 working days of the cold.

If you think you are eligible but have not been paid, you should contact the DWP.

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